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Professor Han Lihui’s team publishes new research results of innate immune regulation in Science Advances
March 25, 2021

Recently, Professor Han Lihui's team of school of basic medical, Shandong University has made new progress in the field of innate immune regulation and published a research paper entitled “Arginine methyltransferase PRMT5 negatively regulates cGAS-mediated antiviral immune response” online in science advances (five-year IF = 14.094). Professor Han Lihui, department of immunology of School of basic medical Sciences, Shandong University is the corresponding author, doctoral student Ma Dapeng is the first author, and Shandong University is the first author unit and the only corresponding author unit.

Since its establishment, the academic team of "immune microenvironment and tumor" led by Professor Han Lihui has gradually condensed and formed a stable research direction. In the past three years, new progress has been made in tumor immunity and innate immune regulation. Relevant research achievements have been authorized by some invention patents of the State Intellectual Property Office, and research papers with Professor Han Lihui as the independent corresponding author have been published continuously. The table is published in a series of international mainstream authoritative journals, such as oncogene (2018), cell death and differentiation (2020), and science advances (2021). The research works published in oncogene (2018) are included as highly cited papers by the ESI system. The above research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Link to the paper: https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/7/13/eabc1834


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