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The team of Professor Sun Jinpeng and Professor Yu Xiao published papers in Nature
April 13, 2022

On April 13, the team of Professor Sun Jinpeng and Professor Yu Xiao published papers on adhesion-like G protein-coupled receptors (adhesion GPCRs, aGPCRs) in Nature, titled "Structural basis for the tethered peptide activation of adhesion GPCRs" and "Tethered peptide activation mechanism of the adhesion GPCR ADGRG2 and ADGRG4", respectively. They clarified the mechanism of aGPCR self-activation and mechanical force perception, proposed a "finger model" of aGPCR activation and an innovatively conceived Protocol for the development of universal polypeptide ligand antagonists.

Article link:

1. Structural basis for the tethered peptide activation of adhesion GPCRs

2. Tethered peptide activation mechanism of the adhesion GPCR ADGRG2 and ADGRG4

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